Near Earth Object Data

Informations for today, 2024-09-10 asteroids orbiting near earth.

Number of Asteroids Detected: 19

Name Object ID First Observed Last Observed Hazardous Object? Close Approach Current Orbit Estimated Diameter Orbiting Bodies Relative Velocity Orbit Description
(2005 WR2) 3304382 2005-11-23 2024-03-16 No 2024-Sep-10 11:45 Earth 331m - 741m
1087ft - 2432ft
Earth, Venus, Mars 52686.46 km/h
32737.32 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits which cross the Earth’s orbit similar to that of 1862 Apollo
(2008 RQ24) 3426807 2008-09-05 2024-09-07 No 2024-Sep-10 22:34 Earth 183m - 411m
603ft - 1349ft
Earth, Mars 13043.63 km/h
8104.8 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits similar to that of 1221 Amor
(2012 VH5) 3616348 2012-11-03 2023-12-07 No 2024-Sep-10 16:30 Earth 84m - 188m
277ft - 619ft
Earth, Venus, Mars 28344.63 km/h
17612.25 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits which cross the Earth’s orbit similar to that of 1862 Apollo
(2013 TR4) 3648844 2013-10-03 2024-05-12 No 2024-Sep-10 00:30 Earth 59m - 133m
196ft - 438ft
Earth 33084.41 km/h
20557.37 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits similar to that of 1221 Amor
(2018 QR) 3826885 2018-07-09 2018-10-02 No 2024-Sep-10 18:37 Earth 30m - 68m
100ft - 223ft
Earth, Mars 38632.89 km/h
24004.98 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits similar to that of 1221 Amor
(2020 HP1) 54016590 2020-04-18 2020-04-26 No 2024-Sep-10 00:26 Earth 5m - 11m
16ft - 37ft
Earth, Moon, Venus 35042.82 km/h
21774.24 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits similar to that of 2062 Aten
(2020 PM7) 54053850 2016-10-29 2024-09-07 No 2024-Sep-10 00:16 Earth 91m - 205m
300ft - 673ft
Earth, Moon 37335.63 km/h
23198.91 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits which cross the Earth’s orbit similar to that of 1862 Apollo
(2021 RU7) 54194978 2021-09-10 2022-09-05 No 2024-Sep-10 20:52 Earth 53m - 120m
176ft - 394ft
Earth 41969.57 km/h
26078.26 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits similar to that of 2062 Aten
(2022 BA1) 54239834 2022-01-08 2022-02-10 No 2024-Sep-10 13:13 Earth 81m - 181m
265ft - 594ft
Earth, Venus 89813.29 km/h
55806.49 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits which cross the Earth’s orbit similar to that of 1862 Apollo
(2020 CO8) 54293318 2020-02-02 2020-02-14 No 2024-Sep-10 19:39 Earth 6m - 14m
21ft - 48ft
Earth 32530.87 km/h
20213.42 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits which cross the Earth’s orbit similar to that of 1862 Apollo
(2023 JA4) 54358767 2023-05-13 2023-05-25 No 2024-Sep-10 00:47 Earth 60m - 136m
199ft - 446ft
Earth, Venus 70830.59 km/h
44011.38 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits similar to that of 2062 Aten
662203 (2005 WR2) 2662203 2005-11-23 2024-05-09 No 2024-Sep-10 11:45 Earth 337m - 755m
1108ft - 2477ft
Earth, Venus, Mars 52686.47 km/h
32737.32 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits which cross the Earth’s orbit similar to that of 1862 Apollo
(2024 JB6) 54440648 2024-04-18 2024-07-09 Yes 2024-Sep-10 05:17 Earth 271m - 608m
892ft - 1995ft
Earth, Venus, Mars, Juptr 68336.06 km/h
42461.37 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits which cross the Earth’s orbit similar to that of 1862 Apollo
(2024 PZ5) 54466216 2024-08-13 2024-09-02 No 2024-Sep-10 06:47 Earth 56m - 126m
184ft - 413ft
Earth 40102.86 km/h
24918.36 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits which cross the Earth’s orbit similar to that of 1862 Apollo
(2024 RH) 54467607 2024-09-01 2024-09-08 No 2024-Sep-10 15:25 Earth 20m - 44m
65ft - 147ft
Earth 40887.99 km/h
25406.21 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits which cross the Earth’s orbit similar to that of 1862 Apollo
(2024 RG3) 54468526 2024-09-03 2024-09-05 No 2024-Sep-10 01:40 Earth 33m - 75m
111ft - 249ft
Earth 26369.46 km/h
16384.95 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits similar to that of 1221 Amor
(2024 RM3) 54468530 2024-09-05 2024-09-07 No 2024-Sep-10 15:52 Earth 13m - 29m
43ft - 97ft
Earth 22147.5 km/h
13761.59 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits which cross the Earth’s orbit similar to that of 1862 Apollo
(2024 RA7) 54469027 2024-09-06 2024-09-07 No 2024-Sep-10 02:55 Earth 34m - 76m
111ft - 250ft
Earth 50409.15 km/h
31322.29 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits similar to that of 1221 Amor
(2024 RG7) 54469033 2024-09-06 2024-09-08 No 2024-Sep-10 05:25 Earth 31m - 71m
104ft - 234ft
Earth 44841.97 km/h
27863.06 miles/h
Near-Earth asteroid orbits which cross the Earth’s orbit similar to that of 1862 Apollo

Data Explained

This table represents data related to various celestial objects, specifically asteroids, that have been observed and tracked over a period of time. The table includes the following information:

In summary, this data represents a collection of information about various asteroids, including their observation history, physical characteristics, orbital details, and whether they pose a hazard to Earth.